About Us
Elaine Chapman

Elaine Chapman completed her first degree through The Open University. Since that degree was predominantly Biology based she decided to complete a Masters in Learning and Teaching with a focus on Physics in order to teach Physics at A level. She first stared teaching in 2001 and was at Lutterworth College for 15 years. Elaine has taught a variety of courses which include GSCE (all 3 sciences), A level Physics, A level Science in Society and the Extended Project Qualification, again at A level. Elaine now works in an inner city school in Leicester.
Elaine's role as assistant subject leader in Science has also meant that she has been involved in promoting stem projects, taking students on educational visits (in the UK and abroad), and inviting guest speakers into the school to talk to students about careers in Science.
Elaine believes that teaching is a privileged profession and that what happens in the classroom is the most important thing to ensuring students learn and enjoy science.
Rachel Wright

Rachel Wright completed her degree in Chemistry at The University of Leicester. She first began her teaching career in 2001 at The Robert Smyth School in Market Harborough. Rachel specialised in teaching all aspects of science at GCSE and Chemistry and Biology at A level. Rachel was responsible for mentoring student teachers during her time at the school.
In 2006 She moved to Lutterworth college to start a new role of Head of Chemistry. Within a year Rachel had moved to the role of Head of science. This position was held until she left to have her son in 2015. Rachel currently works at Hastings high school in Hinckley part time.
Rachel is very passionate about working with students to allow them to excel and achieve their full potential. She strongly believes that the small working groups of A-Team science will allow individuals to grow and develop the love for the subject that she has at the same time as reach the goals and targets set for them.